Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Canning was a success!

Canning was a success. Blueberry jam and applesauce line my fridge with an expiration date stating a year from now! Isn't it amazing! Self sufficiency at it's finest. Haha. Well, maybe 4 jars of jam and applesauce won't keep me if the economy crashes or something crazy but it does lead hope for my baking business I like to run October-March. You should definitely check it out in a couple weeks everything will be up and running. I'll write another blog about it when it's all set but if you want to check it out anyway its   http://www.myspace.com/wickedfunsnax  Everyone should try canning. Just make sure you keep everything super clean and do not alter recipes. You must have certain amounts of acids and sugar in your final product and recipes made to can will already have the correct amount. Well kids, my day has been made, I'm off to a red sox game!