Monday, September 22, 2008

Have you ever noticed?

Today I went to Michael's Craft Store to get some mason jars for canning (oh don't worry, i'll let you know the results!) While I was there I found a slew of halloween crafts that made my eyes water and fingers twitch! Not only that, it made my wallet cry too. I can't believe Martha Stewart is charging $6 to make your own cupcake toppers, when it came with little strips of paper and a couple toothpicks. I feel as though this may be one of those things you could figure out on your own for way cheaper! I did have success in other means at the craft store today, I got my mason jars ($1.00/jar not bad!), orange and black food coloring (for pumpkin cookies of course), pumpkin cupcake cups and some pretty halloween ribbon to put around my jars when I give my friends my homemade apple sauce (which again, ill let you know how that goes!) I do love the craft store for many things, I don't want it to seem like I hate it because of my run in with the Martha Stewart products. Don't get me wrong if I had $10 to blow on make my own bat headband I would. I just don't! I think I am going to change my blog name to Foodies and Crafters. I do love crafting and want it to become a bigger part of my life! Especially since I am moving into the city, I got to make things look nice for cheap, and add my own special touch! I will let you guys know how everything goes with the canning! I'm pretty sure I am going to attempt it tomorrow! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Miss Kolleen said...

we have craft group on mondays if you're ever free.

i'll be posting what we made tonight tomorrow-- keep an eye out!