Monday, January 5, 2009

A new year, a new start.

I am declaring that 2009 will be the best fucking year ever, no matter what. I have a few new years resolutions that I definitely hope to fulfill. Here they are: (In no particular order)
1. Blog more (i am sorry I haven't been an avid blogger)
2. Craft more (i loved crafting all my xmas presents and hope to learn more)
3. Learn to sculpt with chocolate and sugar
4. Finish school with a 3.5
5. Not be scared of everything
6. Get a friendship cupcake tattoo
7. Finish my cookbook
8. Listen more
9. Sing more
10. Live for the moment more
11. Eat healthier
12. Work out
13. Meet new people
14. Try atleast 20 new restaurants
15. Be happier

I promise to try and blog more with my up and coming ideas. Ill definitely let  you in on my healthier life style with tips and recipes and some kick ass crafts. I'll talk to you soon!


thrax said...


thrax said...

and furthermore, what cookbook??? why haven't i heard of this??